Together we are stronger.
Do you want to join the
GrayFeather Community of Practice?
- If you believe there is a need to change the philosophy of organisations all over the world to create a better, kinder, more empowered, more inclusive, and more effective workplace of the future, ready to cope with the new challenges of the digital age.
- If you believe in a workplace that enables all its people to be the best version of themselves for the benefit of all its stakeholder community.
- If you want to be part of a worldwide community of evangelists, architects and transformers who passionately believe in the need for organisational reinvention for the digital age.
- If you work in HR, People & Culture, Change, Organisational Design, Recruitment, or are just keen to make the difference for organisations that need to start thinking and operating in business differently. And believe their people can be that difference in an exciting world of automation, technology, and adaptability.
Then our collective learning community is the space you've been looking for.
Join the best HR practitioners in the world, learning with each other, from each other. Leaving ego at the door, we’ve created a safe space to collaborate, share, support, and inspire in the People and Culture space.
The Cost to join the Community of Practice?
We just want to be around the right people, making the difference that organisations need.
How the Community works:

Each month we have live sessions with an expert speaker. The topics are varied, but all relate to Future Fit organisations and the people and culture function. Practical, informative, and free.

Chat Group
We know the challenges HR teams face in todays organisations so our chat group is there as both a knowledge sharing and support tool. The community shares ideas, asks questions, and supports each other as and when our tribe need it.

Network Events
In the main, our community is in the online space, however we support and encourage get togethers throughout the year in different regions. Deeper connections are made and many of the community find new opportunities to work together.

shared resources
The knowledge of the group and the willingness to share information and knowledge is what drives us to continually question what we do, why we do it, and how we can do better. Everyone in the group has a thirst to learn and share.

Our bookclub is open to all of the community. Every two months we pick a book relevant to the modern people and culture space, from Neuroscience to Leadership to Anthropology to Culture and beyond. We then get together to discuss and learn from each other.
As a team, we look out for each other, care for each other, and support each other.
As a tribe, we neutralise each others weaknesses, and benefit from each other strengths.
Join us
So if you are interested in joining our merry band of HR directors, managers, executives, as well as consultants and specialists in this space, just let us know by enquiring below. We’ll then get back to you as soon as possible.